If you’re interested in expanding the amount of available space in your home, there are many options available to you. The main ways to add space to your home would be to build an addition, remodel your basement, or remodel your attic. If you have a basement or attic that is currently being used for nothing other than storage, it may be time to consider a remodel. The benefits of an attic remodel are similar to those of a basement remodel, but the specific route you choose depends on the current build and condition of your home and your specific needs.
When Considering an Attic Remodel;
Consider Height Restrictions
Not every attic space is going to be the best option for a remodel. Be sure the finished ceilings in your attic are high enough for you to walk around comfortably.
Check the Roof Supports
As mentioned previously, some homes simply aren’t designed to allow for a finished attic. If your home has W-shaped trusses rather than an A-frame you will likely be better off adding an extension to your home. Renovating a trussed room will end up costing you just as much if not more.
Have the Floor Joists Inspected
Be sure to hire a structural engineer to ensure the floor joists will be able to hold the added weight in the attic.
Keep in mind Who the Remodel is for
If you’re planning on living in your home for many more years you should remodel your attic with your family in mind. Do you need an extra bedroom? A play room? A home theater? Whatever you need you can build for. However, if you’re concerned about the resale value, or if you’re planning on selling your home soon, you have to be careful not to over-specialize the space.
A finished attic is certainly a great appeal to prospective buyers, but if it’s too specialized for a specific person -a customized playroom for children is one of the worst things you can do when trying to remodel for resale- many buyers will have to remodel the space for their purposes and the value of the remodel will go down. An additional bedroom or living space is usually the best idea when designing for resale.
Here are some of the main benefits to an attic remodel;
Extend Space that is Already There
Adding an extension to your home in order to increase the amount of living space in your home is a big undertaking and will reduce the available outdoor space on your lot. If you already have a small yard an addition can make outdoor activities impossible. Remodeling your attic is a great way to avoid reducing your outdoor space, your attic is already there! In addition to using all of the space in your home to the best of its capabilities, you’re also saving money. The attic already has a ceiling and walls and will likely reduce the total cost of your remodel.
One of the Biggest ROI’s when Remodeling for Resale
According to www.remodeling.hw.net’s 2014 study of the National Averages of home remodels, an attic remodel is one of the top five remodeling projects. The cost recouped on an attic bedroom averaged at 84.3% cost recouped. The average cost of the job was $49,438 and the resale value averaged at $41,656.